Drumheller Rocks GeoTourism

Drumheller Rocks GeoTourism

6 Reviews

Drumheller Rocks GeoTourism

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Drumheller Rocks GeoTourism | DrumhellerRocks


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Matt Paproski
Drumheller Rocks GeoTourism
After taking a Drumheller Rocks tour with Brent Noland, my family group with a Russian mother and her children had nothing but good things to say. Brent made his presentation fun and understandable for all of us. He made complicated topics simple enough to comprehend on many levels. His tour involved both a classroom presentation with a computer, a visit of the East Coulee School Museum to view rock samples and fossils, and a field trip to several locations that aptly depict the geological wonders of the Drumheller Valley. I highly recommend this experience to those that have recreational or professional reasons for wanting to take it....

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Drumheller Rocks GeoTourism